
We provide various website services, from creation and development to deployment and maintenance.

Working Process

How It Works





Tell Us More About Your Business.

To understand your business, we ask you a few questions about branding. In the branding questionnaire, you must tell us your business niche, target customers, and competitors. You should also include your vision for your brand and any existing logos you find appealing. This will help us better understand your vision.

Brand Expert Works On Initial Drafts.

We will now begin to draft your idea. The timeline and deliverables are explained at the start of the process when you choose the package. You can always add more projects at any time. Your constant collaboration will help us build your brand’s image. You can hear from our team at every stage of the process. We could then be sure that we were on the right track.

Review Rough Drafts (Editing Process)

Here, we present your designs. In the first phase, it is okay if you don’t like what you see. We can edit and change anything to suit our needs. The design is discussed in detail, and we then move on. We can then get closer to your vision and achieve it. You can choose from different revision rounds depending on your package. To get the best outcome, you need to understand all scenarios.

Build A Brand That You Love.

We will send you the final files after all changes. There will be several sizes and color codes for your designs. You can start building your brand by the end of the process.

Branding Services

We are Neighbour’s Branding Services, where we will bring your brand to life. A strong, memorable brand is crucial to success in a highly competitive market. Neighbour specializes in creating unique, impactful branding solutions to resonate with your audience.

Brand strategy: We will help you create a solid foundation by defining your brand’s essence and values.

Design of Logos: Create a memorable brand identity using our logo design services.

Visual identity: Create a consistent visual identity system that includes colors, typography, and imagery to maintain brand consistency.

Brand guidelines: Develop comprehensive branding guidelines to ensure consistency of brand representation across touchpoints.

Brand collateral: From brochures to business cards, we create branded materials that leave a lasting impact.

Brand Names: Help you find the perfect brand name or product name that will resonate with your target market.

Trusted Branding Partners

Neighbour, a branding agency dedicated to your brand, is committed to helping it stand out. Effective branding is all about building emotional connections and trust.

Our Branding Process

Discovery: We dig deep into your industry, business, and target audience to fully understand your identity and goals.

Design & Strategy: We combine creative thinking with strategic expertise to create a brand that reflects your essence.

Feedback and Refinement: Your input is valued, and we work closely with your team to refine and perfect branding concepts.

Brand launch: We help you to launch your brand across multiple platforms.

Transparent Pricing

Transparent pricing is important to us. We strive to offer affordable branding solutions with no hidden costs or surprises.

Explore Our Branding Portfolio

Watch our work in action. Browse our portfolio to see what we have achieved together.

Branding Maintenance Services

The journey of your brand doesn’t stop with its launch. We provide ongoing maintenance and support for your brand to ensure it remains relevant and consistent.

Branding Solutions for Every Business

Neighbour can help you elevate your brand image, whether you are a new business, an established company, or a growing one.

Stay ahead of the Branding Trends.

Keep up to date with the latest trends in branding and innovation. We are always looking for new ways to improve your brand’s presence.  

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Let’s Start your Branding journey.