Search Engine Optimization Services

We provide various website services, from creation and development to deployment and maintenance.

Working Process

How It Works





On Time Delivery

We are honest and do not make false promises. You will see weekly improvements in your website once we begin working on it.

Next Level Support

We have a team of SEO professionals to offer you the best support. We can meet all your SEO needs. Today, get your free SEO Analysis and a plan of Action!

Guaranteed SEO Services

We provide customized solutions based on your requirements and needs. We guarantee SEO services.

Why Choose Neighbour
for SEO Services?

SEO Consultancy

We create an effective strategy for our clients. We keep updated with new algorithms because search engines are constantly changing them. It is the most dependable and eligible marketing process in the Search Engine Market.

SEO Audit

We conduct an SEO audit of your website so that we can ensure maximum visibility of your web pages. Search engines need to be able to discover and index your website to rank higher.

Keyword and Market Research

Keywords and market research are of fundamental importance regarding SEO strategy. We carefully research and come up with accurate projections.

The Neighbour Tech Advantage for Malaysian Businesses Local SEO Services

If you’re a local business in Malaysia, our local SEO expertise will help you dominate the local search results. We’ll ensure your business information is consistent across online directories and optimize your website for local searches. Global Reach, Local Expertise While we specialize in Malaysia SEO, our strategies have a global perspective. If your business serves international markets, our expertise can help you expand your reach beyond Malaysia. Transparent Reporting We believe in complete transparency. Our clients receive regular reports that detail the progress of their SEO campaigns. You’ll always know where your investment is going and how it’s performing.

Request A Quote

Let’s Start your SEO journey.

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Get Every Answers

It starts with a fact-finding session to learn more about your business and how the Neighbour Tech can assist. Then, we will research and analysis to develop an actionable strategy document that includes suggestions and recommendations to take your website to the next level.

Yes, Contact us to get a brief and detailed oriented audit report that covers all the digital areas.


Yes – a lot more!
We can assist you in creating and developing a new website, newsletters and PR, social media ads and copywriting, among other things. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

We have worked with many startups which are developed countries in the present world. So contact us if you have a big idea and need assistance from an experienced digital agency to support and assist you from scratch to a developed business.

SEO Services